Pest Control Services Provided in Dallas, TX
You may be asking yourself, what is Integrated Pest Management?
Integrated Pest Management is a multi-varied approach to effective pest control. For example, it uses both preventative and corrective techniques for pest control. IPM starts with a property inspection and pest identification. Then, methods such as sanitation and mechanical or chemical exclusion help to mitigate or eliminate the pests.
We monitor the situation to see how effective is. If necessary, we apply pesticides tailored to the specific pest with the least environmental impact.
If you want to learn more about our specific methods, please reach out to us about IPM.
What should you do if you think there is a problem with pests in your home?
The answer is simple, call National Pestmobiles. We'll work hard towards identifying the problem and offering you a reliable solution.
Below you can learn more about the pest management programs provided by National Pestmobiles.
Our Basic 30 Day Service:
This package covers American Roaches, Oriental Roaches, Smokey Brown Roaches, German Roaches, Brown Banded Roaches, Fire Ants, Pharaoh Ants, House Ants, Silverfish, Firebrats, Scorpions, Centipedes, House Spiders, Carpenter Bees, Carpenter Beetles, Earwigs, Crickets, Roof and Norway Rats, House Mice, Fleas and Ticks. Covers only specific agreed needs between customer and National Pestmobiles.
A Routine Service Includes:
1 Year Guaranteed Wall and Void Treatment:
This package covers American Roaches, Oriental Roaches, Smokey Brown Roaches, German Roaches, Brown Banded Roaches, Fire Ants, Pharaoh Ants, House Ants, Silverfish, Firebrats, Scorpions, Centipedes, House Spiders, Carpenter Bees, Carpenter Beetles, Earwigs, Crickets, Roof and Norway Rats, House Mice, Fleas and Ticks. Covers only specific agreed needs between customer and National Pestmobiles.
Both packages offer many add-on services which can be custom applied to your need Click Here to schedule a appointment today

Rodent Control
Rodent control services from National Pestmobiles will provide you peace of mind. You can depend on the experts at National Pestmobiles to control rat and other rodent infestations. Whether your rodent problem is at home or at your place of business, you can trust that National Pestmobiles will eliminate your rodent infestation effectively and also provide you with eradication tactics to prevent further infestation problems.
A rodent problem has the potential to create billions of dollars in damage each year. By gnawing on property, rodents are not just a menace but can have disastrous effects on your home and other valuables. The house mouse and Norway rat are two of the most destructive pests in the United States. Keep your family safe and maintain the value of your home with rodent control from National Pestmobiles.
Aside from the financial destruction, many rats and mice are active disease carriers that can actually be fatal to humans. Our rodent and rat control services will benefit your business, too. Rodents can cause structural damage to your business property and can risk the well-being of employees and customers. Don’t jeopardize potential business and health violations with a rodent control problem.
The reproductive potential of a single pair of rats or mice is astonishing. Therefore, National Pestmobiles will provide the utmost in rodenticide technology so that we can abolish your rodent problem forever! Our expertly trained technicians can also offer prevention tips for complete and permanent rodent and rat pest control and eradication.
Rodent Eradication:
Rodent eradication is actually a multi-step process which must be followed precisely to ensure to success of the treatment.
Our rodent control technicians at National Pestmobiles will begin with a thorough inspection of your property in able to determine the entry paths of the infestation.
Secondly, rat proofing by exclusion becomes a priority.
After the rodent is gone and we’ve rat-proofed your property, we recommended complete decontamination for the best results against future infestation.
Click Here to schedule a appointment today!

Mosquito Misting System
The Cure for What Bugs You!
Your home and yard should be a place of retreat and ultimate relaxation. Your outdoor living space should be a location for many hours of enjoyment occur and memories are made to last a lifetime. However, like most fellow Texas residents, you probably find yourself at the mercy of exasperating insects such as mosquitoes, gnats and flies, and typically your events become less than enjoyable due to the presence of these uninvited intruders.
Fortunately, "Doc Norris" and his experts at National Pestmobiles now have your solution to your mosquito and other flying insect problem. Utilizing the state of the art innovation of the MistAway Mosquito Misting Systems, we have revolutionized our strategy of effectively eliminating mosquitoes and many other biting insects.
Life is too short to feel uncomfortable in your own backyard. With a MistAway System installed by National Pestmobiles, you don't have to!
Upon consultation, our experts at National Pestmobiles will provide you with a customized design in which a series of nozzles, reservoirs, misting line, and risers will be installed into your fence lines, eaves and within your landscaping.
Because the insecticide of the system is actually derived from chrysanthemum flower, the scent of your outdoor beauties is never affected by any type of harsh odor. With a precise timing system from dusk to dawn, the perimeter of your lawn receives a continually treatment by spraying a fine mist throughout the yard. The mist envelopes the surrounding grass, plants, and landscaping. This ensures that any mosquito that comes in the area will be gone. The mist also works for other pests such as flies, gnats, and spiders.
Click Here to schedule a appointment today!